Ali Reza leads pack for €1.7 million
Despite, or some may say as a result of the €100,000 buyin to the EPT Grand Final high-roller event, registrations were steadily coming in and the final pool of players reached 56 in the end. With 12 additional rebuys, the event boasted an impressive combined prize pool of €6.8 million! There were WSOP, EPT and WPT champions among the 56, with almost every notable European player in attendance, so there was no way to prodict the outcome. Only 38 remained after day one, and the filed was cut to 9 by the end of day two. The chipleader position went to the Iranian pro Ali Reza at the final table, but he is still to use his advantage that he will surely need against such opponents as Stephen Chidwick, Mustapha Kanit or Ole Schemion, in the fight for the €1.7 million grand prize.