Undefeatable poker robot might be here
Thomas Sandholm, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, announced a unique development at the "Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Annual Computer Poker Competition", whose main mission is to develop robots that can play poker. Sandholm's own robot, who answers to the name "Tartanian7" defeated the whole field of robotic competition after days of heads-up NL Hold'Em, and according to the professor, the robot could take down human poker players as well. There is no foundation to this claim, just a load of confidence from the developer, who stated that "Tartanian7 can sweep the arena of online poker with the force of an atomic bomb". He added that the humans best get ready if they don't want to "go to a nuclear war with a knife". We are curious to see where the challenge leads, before one of the big poker rooms buys the technology and shreds the project to pieces.